A: My Company has been through a few iterations in five years. I feel like I started out pretty naively, just gangbusters about masculine & feminine, and then starting a podcast called Sacred Remembering, and creating coaching programs with content I had learned and running them with groups of women. It was awesome, and not at all sustainable.
As my business and I both got older, I am becoming more and more interested in not only sustainability, but what I'm calling the Regenerative Feminine. How can we actually bolster the amount of feminine energy on this planet, not just "recover" or salvage it? My "dharma work" is something that came through a few years ago and I call Heartland.
Heartland is the work of regenerative feminine prosperity. It's like the New Earth Feminine template. I've been working on a book (writing it while I'm living it) and actually just shifted most of what was "business" into now something called Heartland Ministries.
We have a social network of women and it is becoming a place where women can share their skillsets and offerings, for actual dollars, but we're building this in community first, not focused on the hustle or constantly selling to one another. It's about getting sovereign, getting sacred, and letting the prosperity follow.