Monday - Saturday: 10:00AM – 6:00PM
Sunday: 10:00AM - 4:00PM
@adoratherapy 877 840-4242
Asheville Store
Welcome to Asheville's vibrant downtown, where the Auratherapy store resides within the historic Grove Arcade. Adoratherapy offers a healing sanctuary within the arcade's storied walls. Amidst the architectural charm of the Grove Arcade, visitors are greeted by our expert team of aura readers. Bring your friends, family and pets. With its curated selection of vegan and cruelty free fragrance and candles, Adoratherapy invites you to explore your energy field and chakras one scent at a time.
Shots from the Store
Aura Wall of fame
In Asheville, NC?
Dive into a world of sensory delights at Auratherapy a cherished Asheville conscious Beauty brand. Our boutique offers a curated selection of artisanal candles, aromatherapy blends, and insightful aura readings—all crafted locally in Asheville. Whether you're seeking a moment of relaxation or a deeper connection to your inner self, our store provides a unique blend of whimsical and self-discovery. Join us and elevate your journey with the transformative power of scent and the wisdom of your aura and chakras will be revealed. See why everyone is talking about our unique approach to energy healing.