Adore Yourself Ritual
This ritual of initiation is designed to invite you to be a part of something bigger than yourself and to remind yourself you are enough. I recall when I wrote mine, I was sitting outside in nature and journaling. I felt moved by something and trusted that in allowing it to flow out of me I’d be able to capture something that needed self expression. I had been thinking Adoratherapy needed a Manifesto. I felt we were in some ways creating a revolution. I for one, do not recall, having ever been invited to a movement in which my self love was the desired outcome. The closest I ever got to that was in my twenties when I did a transformational program called Lifespring and had to create a personal declaration of self.
For the better part of that, day me and five other members of my group were left with an easel, markers and a mandate to create a “contract with ourselves”. This contract when spoken out loud would define our truest nature and remind us of our gifts. Until your small group got your contract they would stay seated. Only when you nailed it both in words and in actions, in this case that looked like screaming it over and over, did they stand. This ovation would cement your contract into the physical world as you were heard. To this day I recall this contract: I AM a powerful, beautiful, talented woman. Every word counted. Back then I totally had no concept of the I AM part. With no voice left, I took the large piece of paper from the easel and folded it up. I kept this for thirty years or so. I think I still have it somewhere.
I realize this idea of adoring yourself might seem over indulgent. We often think of self care as small attempts at relaxation and mindfulness. In some ways adoring yourself is pushing the boundaries, it goes beyond wellness and reaches into the depths of soulfulness. To me it is a great act of healing. Healing is something we choose for ourselves.
I prefer to do my adoration rituals in water. I feel that water provides purification and in many ways amplifies the energetic configuration of self love. This can be a bath, a shower, stepping into the ocean, or under a waterfall. I anoint my body with oils drawing hearts on my chest and hips, belly and thighs using my creativity roller ball. This synergy is designed to balance the sacral chakra where emotions, sexuality and the passion for life are seated. Imagine the colors orange, pink and red as you anoint yourself. As you lower yourself into the bath say:
The words above are mine. I offer them to you. Find our own. Record them and play them back to yourself, creating a soundtrack you can play in a loop until this is part of your memory. A shorter one will be easier to remember but making sure all the words are there is key to being known to self. Make this ritual of self love and adoration a part of your routine. I do this when needed, usually every month, or when I need to remind myself to not take myself for granted. When you are more adoring with yourself you will transform your life and impact others in ways that will add a bounce to your step. Being in love with you feels a lot like being in love.